Well chewed is already half digested!

There is more truth in these words than you think!


–> the smaller the food

–> the better for the digestive enzymes.

–> the higher the salivation
(–> less cavity!)

–> the better carbohydrates can be predigested in the mouth*.

–> the more thoroughly the food is then digested further

–> less fermentation processes occur in the intestine

–> less abdominal pain, flatulence and cramps occur 

–> the healthier the intestinal flora 

–> the better nutrients and vital substances can be utilized

–> faster feeling of saturation


–> the less you eat

–> in the end losing weight is far easier 

what you actually just need to remember:

well, don’t take it literally, but  just take an example from the cows in this aspect. Or have you ever seen a cow swallow food because of time pressure?
…half chewed and barely tasted?

No, they chew it and chew it, saving their digestive system a lot of work and on top there are all the positive side effects 🙂 

So, you know what you have to do! Chew, chew and chew …

Have a good start to the week! 🙂 


*the digestion of carbohydrates already starts in the mouth 

(Source: Academy of Naturopathy) 

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