I know this is a very controversial topic and there are a thousand different opinions about it on the internet and everywhere else. When I started my training as a health consultant, I was more than surprised as well, but the information and proven facts finally convinced me – to my great delight, because I am admittedly a huge butter-fan 🙂

But first things first:

Arteriosclerosis describes the pathological change of our arteries, whereas the cardiac infarct happens due to arteriosclerotic changes of the coronary vessels, so the vessels, which supply the heart musculature with blood. Since cholesterol is supposedly only found in animal fats, it is easy to blame them – especially butter.

Fact 1:
Not only animal fats but also other animal products contain cholesterol.
-> Pork liver 420mg %
-> Calf brain 2300 mg %
-> Butter 240mg %

Fact 2..:
The cholesterol we take in with our food has no significant influence on the development of arteriosclerosis!
The body is actually capable of producing cholesterol itself. I.e. the cholesterol in the arteries is not dependent on the food cholesterol in case of illness.

It is interesting that cholesterol is used as “glue material”. So when the arteries are damaged, the body produces cholesterol and sticks it to the damaged areas. I will get to it in a bit, from where these damages then actually come.

Fact 3..:
Butter has been a staple food for people on this earth for thousands of years. They have not become ill as a result of that, nor have they suffered a heart attack from eating butter.

Until a few decades ago, butter was not yet in the pillory, accused of causing arteriosclerosis and heart attacks. The increase in vascular diseases and heart attacks is not caused by an increased consumption of butter or other animal fats, but goes hand in hand with the increase in today’s diseases of civilization.

Fact 4..:
Also with avoidance of animal fats that contain cholesterol depositions in the blood occur.

These deposits are only a symptom, but not the cause. Our clever body tries only to compensate existing damage in our artery walls and seals it with cholesterol.

You also wouldn’t think that the cause of lime deposits in the blood vessels comes from an increased lime consumption.

If you consider these facts, then the question arises, what the actual cause behind these cholesterol deposits are, if you cannot blame butter any longer.

In fact our body is able to process even bad fats as long as its metabolism is intact. And by this I don’t only mean the fat metabolism, because there is no metabolism in our body that functions independently from others. So there is also no carbohydrate or protein metabolism that runs completely independently of other metabolic processes in the body. All metabolic processes are interrelated.

“The cause of arteriosclerosis is therefore not to be found in fat, but is expressed in a disturbance of the metabolism. An intact metabolism is able to process the fat consumed correctly so that no pathological deposits are formed…”.
– Dr. M. O. Bruker

The prerequisites for this are undoubtedly a healthy diet that provides us with the substances that are essential for a smooth metabolism.

Arteriosclerosis can be caused by a disturbance of the fat metabolism, but also by a disturbance of the carbohydrate metabolism. The latter is caused by the consumption of isolated carbohydrates, i.e. factory sugar and extract flours.

Dr. Bruker recommends the following:

  1. Exchange extraction flours and products thereof with whole-grain flour and products
  2. Avoid factory sugar
  3. Enjoy fresh fruit, vegetables and
  4. Natural fats, including butter (however, make sure that the butter is not made from pasteurized milk, but from unheated cream)

Source: Dr. M. O. Bruker – Cholesterin – Der lebensnotwendige Stoff

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