
It is the people who make life worth living.

Every single situation, every event does not remain in your memory because of WHAT you have experienced, but HOW you have experienced it!
Every conversation, however small, is perceived as good or bad because of the EMOTION we had. The content is often quickly forgotten. Am I right?

So it’s about the emotion, the feeling. And of course we all want to feel as good as possible.
And how do we create good feelings? By surrounding ourselves with people who make us feel good. 

For example, when I think back to my trip to Madrid, I was travelling alone, but actually not alone at all.
Whether it was the father with his son on the plane, the street vendor, the waiter or my friends from Chicago I met on my second day, everyone contributed a bit to my feelings of happiness and made this trip unforgettable.

But it’s more about everyday life! I can consider myself so lucky to call my sister my best friend, to be a member of such a wonderful family, to live with two crazy flatmates who make my daily life much more fun and have unbelievable great friends who give me love and support! A big THANK YOU to Y’ALL!

Take a look at your life. Who is closest to you? Who are your top 5 with whom you spend the most time and share your life?
Do they give you a good feeling? Do they give you energy? Power? Love? Acceptance?

By that I don’t mean every time you meet them, everyone has a bad day. It’s about the big picture.
Unfortunately, it is much easier to pull someone off a chair than to pull him up.
Think about whether these people give you more than 50% of the time – YOUR time – energy or steal some from you. If the latter is the case, let this person go. This may sound hard and is often not easy, but it is your life, your time.

I just have to think of this saying:
“All people are fellow travellers on the train of life, some accompany us for a while, then get out, others get in, some barely noticeable, others more …”.

Of course it’s not always easy to let go of a friendship, especially when it was a very intense and beautiful time. It would be a pity if that were the case. Wrench is part of it and only shows it was a very valuable time for you.
But I always tell myself that something much bigger and more beautiful will follow!
If you still have a friend by the hand who is not good for you, your hand is not free for new friendships, which can perhaps give you much more than the old.

Apropos… f you ask yourself whether your friends give you a good feeling or not, then you may also have to take a closer look at yourself. If you should notice that you are totally exhausted after the conversations with some people, then ask yourself if this is not even based on reciprocity. 

And if you belong to the fortune ones who are accompanied by wonderful people, then don’t hesitate to tell them how grateful you are to have them in your life! And please, not just once… 😉

Let them know!
Honestly and without expectations!
What about right now?
Come on, you’re already sitting on your mobile phone!

I wish all friends of this world a great weekend!

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