Why is food so important in our affluent society? 

I believe that our eating habits have a lot to do with our collective valuation.
It’s obviously a social thing. You meet for coffee and cake, you cook together, you buy popcorn and nachos in the cinema, you go out for dinner. And, who actually decided that there’s always cake for birthdays or other celebrations? Why aren’t there vegetable sticks? The idea is completely absurd, isn’t it ? But then it doesn’t surprise me that we have such positive associations with sweets and therefore we always fall back on them when we want to feel good again. 

Or do you know that situation: if something tastes great, then sometimes it is really hard to stop eating and you often eat more than you need.
In the end you are totally stuffed.
On top there is this unwanted tiredness. 

This is not a normal state!!
That was by the way a reason, why I took a closer look at my diet a few years ago. I didn’t want to be so tired after eating. I wanted to get to a point where food gives me energy and not take it from me. As it actually should be …
You also want your car to drive many miles after refuelling and not to the nearest garage.
Sure, the organism is busy with digestion after eating, but it shouldn’t knock you out completely. 

Don’t get me wrong: I really like meeting for coffee or having a nice barbecue together with friends in summer. You spend a great time together, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 
But in my opinion you can do that way more consciously.
It’s about mindful eating

The problem is that nowadays we are confronted with such an oversupply that we don’t really know how to listen to our body. Then we simply eat

  • out of habit
  • just for fun
  • because ‘it’s time’ to eat
  • from emotional needs
  • or just because the taste is so damn good

The reason behind this unthoughtfulness is that we often eat although we are not hungry at all. 
But how can we know that we are full when we have started to eat without feeling hungry???
In addition, we often eat carelessly, with staring at the phone or even while walking.

Maybe you already know my entry about change.
There is one example that shows that very well: the change of our body. 
What we eat becomes – more or less – a part of us!
We cannot assume that the food we eat will pass by without leaving a trace – or rather, that it will pass through us. As many nutrients and vital substances as possible are absorbed and metabolized. 
The design of our personal home is our responsibility and by that I mean our diet and how we treat our body, the mirror of our inner world. 
Is your home worth giving it only the best, most natural and living food?
Life doesn’t just happen to us, we create it.
In every respect. 

So what can we do?
Regardless of what we eat, HOW we eat is always very important, too. 
Here are my tips:

  1. Eat only when you really feel hungry
    It’s weird to mention that, because it should be something that goes without saying…
    Ask yourselves before any opportunity to eat: Am I really physically hungry?
    The feeling of hunger can vary from person to person. (Stomach growls, headaches, tiredness etc.)

  2. Am I maybe full already?”

    When you eat, ask yourself this question again and again. This creates awareness.

  3.  Put the fork to the side more often
    Take a break before you keep scooping something into your mouth.

  4. Eat slowly and chew well
    Perhaps you already know from one of my earlier entries how enormously important the latter is. 

  5. Eat while sitting
    I know it’s hard sometimes in today’s fast-paced world, but really try (yes, even your food To Go)

  6. Cook as often as you can
    That’s a point I really want to give you an understanding of. Not only will you know a 100% about the ingredients, but you will feel completely different about your meals.
    There is a big difference between cooking and eating out.
    When you feel hungry, ask yourself, ‘What would treat my body well now?’ You start preparing and the anticipation rises. Everyone also knows that you enjoy the meal much more when it is also looking delicious, so do yourself a favor.
    Finally, enjoy your food, without distraction!

  7. Stop when you are full
    I want to emphasize it again, really pay attention to your feeling of satiety. The plate doesn’t have to be empty so that tomorrow the sun will shine and the children in Africa won’t have any benefit if you force yourself to eat the rest of your meal and feel bad afterwards instead of saving it for later or the next day.

Your body is not a garbage collection, but YOUR HOME, whose design is your responsibility.

If from now on you cultivate a little more the relationship to your food, to your body and with it to yourself, then your good body feeling grows together with your self-esteem.

Start taking your body’s signals seriously. We often underestimate how clever it is.
Health is a normal state. 


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