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Well, here I am now, writing my first blog entry…

Wow, what a great feeling. 

The thought of starting a blog popped up some time ago and I wanted to be inspired by other people. But I didn’t look up to all the blogs, they looked down on me, I felt small and ignorant.
So I put that thought aside!

Exactly two weeks ago I made a fasting cure. Yoga, inspiring lectures and lots of meditations were included. In one of these meditations I received a clear message: BLOG! 

And I – inspired and motivated by the fasting cure – thought: Why not ?
Why not just NOW? 
In two days I set up the website and one week after the meditation I’m writing my first blog entry… 

If something keeps popping up in your mind, you should definitely follow that idea!
You have nothing to lose! I know it sounds like a lousy phrase, but think about it:
Even if you don’t achieve anything, at second glance you’ll see that you definitely gained experience and the knowledge that you don’t need it for any future plans. You would never find out if it only remains a thought!

When I think back, there is not a single decision in my life I regret, because everything has brought me closer to what I want and what I don’t want! 

And if you enjoy it and you succeed, because you are incredibly interested in that thing, it’s a double win!
Both ways take you forward. Everything brings you closer to the person you really are. 

So just start. Step by step. 
Therefore a ‘warm welcome’ from me on my new blog! 

I look forward to everything that’ll come 🙂 


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